Portrait taken by Pauline Holden

Since childhood, Emma Hogan has always felt connected to something bigger than herself. At an early age she would be able to find objects said to be lost within seconds of searching, as if she had put them there herself. Coming from a line of strong, independent, kind, and highly intuitive Witches, the ways of manifesting one’s dreams, healing arts, and esoteric lifestyle came naturally to her. Growing up sensitive to the people and environment around her wasn’t always easy, but she honed the skill as she grew into the strong intuitive Light Witch she is today. She now uses these empathic skills to aid in tuning into other’s needs, wants and, in essence, to their souls.


It wasn’t until a life changing trip to Maui, Hawaii in 2011 that finally changed an inward knowing, to the full-blown life that she lives now. It was one of those “she had it all but why wasn’t she truly happy” stories. She had an amazing apartment, job, was traveling the world freely, food a plenty in the fridge, and clothes spilling out of her closet. Yet she felt like she wasn’t truly living. As if numb. Coming back from that trip made her search for her own healing. That’s where she first was guided to a Reiki healing session. Her session with the lovely and angelic Richelle Payer made her realize this was it! Leading to her first spiritual teacher Clare Lang, a strong disciple of Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam,  she received her first and second Reiki attunement amongst learning to read auras, card readings, and how to listen to one’s intuition fully. Her Reiki journey led her to receive her third attunment for western Reiki from Myorei Healing in Vancouver BC. After a few years she then was invited to Martin Stock of Gendai and Komyo Reiki circles, which has been her ongoing lineage she brings into her practice today.


Always a student first, Emma attended Langara College and received her Holistic Aromatherapist Practitioner certificate back in 2011. Always leaning to Essential oils for everyday plant medicine aiding in mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. She’s teamed up with DōTERRA Essential oils to not only aid in her everyday life, but those of her clients and loved ones as well. Depending on the session for her clients, she may infuse her work space and witchy work with the, not only pleasant smell, but healing benefits and aromas of essential oils. She loves oils and incorporates them in all of her holistic healing practices.


Emma has also received her Vijnana Yoga Teachers certificate of 800 hours on top of 200Hrs RYT certificate. When it came to yoga she was always fascinated with how it left her feeling completely embodied after a class. Though she had a true love of yoga, the deciding factor of her wanting to take her teacher training wasn’t until Tracy Groshak invited her to take that next step. Always loving the graceful and fully embodied practice Tracy had, she knew this was exactly the practice and style she could benefit from. Tracy is a student of Gioia Irwin of Vancouver and Orit Sen Gupta of Israel. Vijnana Yoga focuses on the four main pillars of Simple Sitting, Pranayama, Asana and Self Study. Followed closely after with the 7 principles: Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind, Intent, Rooting, Connecting, Breathing and Expanding (Elongating and Widening). Her Yoga practice is always taken on and off the mat and applied in her everyday life. She uses her deep connection with her body in her intuitive practice, allowing her to hear the softer and subtle ways that spirit talks through and to her. Yoga is a life long practice that Emma will pursue diligently in her Spiritual journey and own enlightenment.

If you can’t find Emma aiding her clients online or with in-person sessions, making oil blends, or moving freely on her yoga mat you might find her typing or journaling away her latest thoughts and work. An avid writer from childhood, her passion for writing has evolved into her monthly blog posts and her Debut Poetry book “Angels & Starlight Shadow Work Poetry Book” published in 2019. Her poetry may be purchased in person, or on Kindle/Amazon platform.

When it comes to working with Emma, you can always count on receiving individual messages channeled through all the forms of spirit. She is real, intuitive to your needs, and wont shy away from tough love because she knows you can handle it. Her healing journey and life experience allows her to be passionate and compassionate to all who seek her insight. Though she never takes herself too seriously, she will always approach you and your healing journey wholeheartedly.

We all have ‘the guidance’ within us, we just have to listen to its whispers to join in on this dance we call life.