Calling My Ancestors Ritual:
Calling My Ancestors Candle (clear quartz crystal, daisy petals)
Calling My Ancestors Spray
Invocation: I call upon my ancestors to walk alongside me, guiding me and bestowing me with your wisdom. Take these offerings as symbols of my gratitude for the life you created before and within me.
Note: Ancestor ritual is very different for every individual. These steps are suggestions for connecting with your own ancestors, and are meant in no way to replace or imitate any cultural ancestral practices. You are encouraged to include offerings, prayers, and practices from your own heritage.
This ritual is best done during fall and winter - ancestors loved to be remembered at these times when the veil is thinnest.
Clean your altar space, spritzing with Calling My Ancestors Spray for additional cleansing.
Gather your offerings and arrange them with intention on your altar*. There is no right or wrong way to do this, simply follow to your intuition.
Light your Calling My Ancestors Candle.
Spritz your crown and heart centre with Calling My Ancestors Spray, and repeat the invocation above 3x.
Meditate in silence for as long as you can, ideally at least 10-15 minutes. Pay special attention to any places on your body that feel warm or heavy, as well as any words or messages that come into your mind. These are signs of your ancestors’ presence.
Upon rising the following morning, spritz your crown and heart centre with Calling My Ancestors Spray once more.
Gather the offerings from your altar and find a spot outside to bury them**. Repeat the incantation above as you perform the burial, and take a moment for quiet reflection, again paying attention to your thoughts and physical sensations.
Over the coming days, notice when those physical parts of your body feel activated, or when those words/messages arise in your thoughts. Where are you? What activities are you engaging in? How is your mood and mindset? Notice what signs your ancestors may be trying to show you and explore them with curiosity.
* Offerings can include: food (fruit, honey, baked goods, chocolate), drink (milk, wine, tea), money (coins, gold, foreign currency), natural elements (flowers, herbs, crystals), dirt from crossroads or places of significance, pictures, old possessions.
** If you don’t have somewhere to bury your offerings, it is absolutely fine to dispose of them in other means. You can consume edible items, compost anything biodegradable, burn them (safely, of course!), or simply put them in the garbage.