Dark Love Ritual:
Dark Love Candle (red tigers eye crystal, rose, strawberry leaves)
Dark Love Cleansing Bundle (rose, rosemary, thyme)
A gentle reminder before you begin: this kit is created for those who are having a hard time loving themselves, and who are struggling to see their light because the darkness has gotten too heavy. Sometimes to pull ourselves out of darkness, we need to acknowledge the parts of ourselves we keep in shadow. But, this work takes time and the most important action you can take is to be gentle, compassionate, and kind to yourself. When you are ready, remember that you don’t have to show the world the shadow parts of yourself, but you can validate and love these parts unconditionally within yourself. If you don’t feel capable of taking this on alone, please remember there is always help out there (family, friends, healers, and health care practitioners.)
Incantation: I invite the parts of me kept in the Dark to come towards the Light, so that I may begin to love these parts that I've kept in the Shadow
Light your Dark Love Candle.
Repeat the incantation above, and imagine the candle’s flame is illuminating the dark parts of yourself that you try to keep hidden.
Light your Dark Love Cleansing Bundle from the candle’s flame. Let the smoke wash over your heart centre or anywhere else on the body that feels heavy. Burn as much or as little as you feel is needed.*
With your Dark Love Candle nearby, journal any thoughts and emotions that arise, no matter how dark or uncomfortable they may feel**.
Acknowledge one of the shadow parts of yourself that came forward, thank it for making itself visible, and write a statement of compassion towards it. Remember all parts of you exist for a reason and are deserving of love.
Relight your Dark Love Cleansing Bundle and repeat step 3.
After your ritual, do something gentle and loving for yourself, such as relaxing in a nice bath, cooking/ordering your favourite meal, or having an early night to bed.
* You may wish to keep a small (preferably clay) pot nearby to catch the ashes.
** If you are struggling with acknowledging your shadow parts, or putting your feelings into words, you may find it useful to follow shadow work journal prompts. You can find many lists of prompts online. Here are a few to get you started:
What are you hardest on yourself about? Where do you think that stems from?
What is something you feel guilty or ashamed about? Why?
How did you process your emotions as a child/teen? How do you process them now as an adult?
Where do you feel it in your body when you are sad, scared, angry, etc?
If you could revisit one decision from your past, what would you do differently?