Lucid Dream Ritual:
Blue Lotus Spray
Dream Tea (blue lotus, chamomile, damiana, lavender, mugwort)
Ritual Isis Temple Candle (blue lotus, chamomile, lapis lazuli)
Intention: Please, Dream Guides, show me the answers I’m seeking when it comes to _______ (love, career, health, how to overcome a current challenge etc.)
1. Brew your Dream Tea in your favourite mug. Put 1-2 tsp of tea into a diffuser or tea bag, and steep in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Blue lotus flower is strong, so you don’t need to use much. It can be a little bitter, so you may wish to add some honey.
2. Place your Ritual Isis Temple Candle on your altar and light the wick.
3. Spray your Blue Lotus Spray. Close your eyes. Take 3 deep inhales followed by extended exhales, bringing your focus to the spot between your eyebrows (third eye.)
4. Write your dream intention on a piece of paper. This could be a question or direction you’d like to channel your dream towards.
5. Place your note under your pillow, or under a crystal on your bedside table*. Ensure your dream journal is also nearby.
6. Spray your pillow with Blue Lotus Spray.
7. Blow out your Ritual Isis Temple Candle and go to sleep.
8. Write in your dream journal immediately upon waking in the morning**. Dream recall is one of the most important steps in receiving answers and guidance from the intention you set. Write down every detail you can remember, even if it seems obscure or unimportant.
9. Spend some time deciphering your dream. Sometimes this will be easy and clear; sometimes it’s best to get up, have your morning tea/coffee, then revisit your dream notes along with your intention.
* You can use any crystal you have on hand. Potent crystals for dreamwork include amethyst, moonstone, danburite, and selenite.
** If you wake up in the middle of the night, you may still wish to journal any dreams or thoughts, particularly if you awaken around 3am this is when your dreams are most potent.