Freya Unleash Your Passion Ritual:
Freya Altar Candle (carnelian crystal, cacao, red chili)
Unleash Your Passion Tincture
Affirmation: I open up and unleash my most passionate and prosperous life ever imaginable.
Wake up before sunrise. This ritual is best done in the morning.
Brew your morning coffee/tea in your favourite mug.
Light your Freya Altar Candle and make yourself comfortable in your favourite chair, couch, or meditation spot, ensuring the candle is nearby and visible.
Add 1 dropper full of Unleash Your Passion Tincture to your drink, while repeating the affirmation above 3x. Alternatively, you can place 1-5 drops of tincture under your tongue instead of putting it in your beverage.
As you finish your beverage, allow yourself to gaze passively at your candle’s flame, imagining all your passions, desires, and wants being illuminated.
In your journal, write down anything and everything that comes forward, including emotions, images, sensations, and ideas. If you find your thoughts drifting, refocus on the flame or on the Fehu symbol on the tincture bottle*.
Choose one item from your list that you want to start working towards now, and write down one thing you can actively do in the coming week to move towards this goal**.
Take 1-3 drops of Unleash Your Passion Tincture under your tongue every morning for the next week. Pay attention to how the universe gently is pointing you towards the passions you wrote down, making sure to take action towards any doors that open for you.
* The Fehu rune represents motion, prosperity, success, and wealth. If you struggle with envisioning your hopes and passions, focus on the image of this rune to represent all of your desires.
** Some suggestions for action: you want to start writing poetry, so you attend a poetry night at a local cafe to be inspired by others; you want to learn to paint, so you check what classes your community centre offers; you want to travel, so you visit your library to check out some books on destinations you’re drawn towards. Do something more than just googling - involve your mind, body, and senses.