I'm so excited to be finally writing about this topic! Though I definitely won't be taking any credit for it! As the strong, successful, intelligent, stunning, boss babe that inspired me to write this is my amazing friend, colleague and is just downright the most inspiring person in my life when it comes to chasing after my dreams and bringing it to form! Hayla Amini, also known as House of Hayla on the streets in Toronto, Canada. A fashionista who's recently launched her HOH Monochrome Heel, featured in this blogs photographs! She's the owner and designer of both of House of Hayla and House of Tats, Flight Director at AirTransat, Teacher at Seneca College and full-time creative being! Like what a bad ass am I right?
Hayla and I met back 7 years ago when we first started as Flight Attendants based in Toronto, and pretty much became bestie's right away! Most likely because she laughs at all my ridiculous jokes and we have killer life altering chats! Oh and she's also once plucked my eyebrows on the jumpseat of the plane! Haha! Where I am going with this is that recently Hayla and I were out on her balcony on one of my layovers in Toronto, staring at the beautiful sky view of downtown Toronto, dodging the occasional June Bug that flew too close to us and got chatting. During our renown killer chat, exchanging topics on life, business, and spiritual advise (love having a Scorpio/Virgo friendship!) She told me one thing that rang in my ears and has been the driving force of really kicking my butt in gear to share more of The White Witch, and well Me out there. Literally all she said to me, and I don't think she realized how much it hit home, was that "Emma you should put yourself out there more", and that simple statement hit me to the core.
Beat them by Lavender- Photography by Akim Burke @visualsbydream
Monochrome Heels by Hayla Amini @houseofhayla
Here was my super inspiring friend who constantly is putting herself out in the world through business, film, photography, traveling, and not being scared to jump on an opportunity. If she could do it why not me as well! They always say that you should surround yourself with people who inspire you, and its never been so true with this girl! So Hayla my sweets, thank you for challenging me to put myself out there more, this post is for you!
Now It's easy getting inspired and motivated but what you have to do is put it into action. Be scared to fail, to look silly, to not have it always be perfect! No one ever become, made anything happen or be by just sitting waiting for it to happen. The universe will give you guidance and opportunities but you have to be the one to grab it by the balls and own it! We are all such amazing and unique individuals and what you have to bring to the table is so important to the collective! If you want to become an amazing writer, vlogger, artist, yogi, spiritual leader, fashionista, singer, designer, dancer, entrepreneur and so on put your work out there! Most importantly this life is your creative expression and people want to know the real you so don't be sacred of sharing and getting in front of your work or passions! If you've always wanted to write a book/magazine/blog, start writing it, get a website, call an editor, submit to Magazine companies! Have art you want the world to see? Start painting it, make an insta account to show it off, etsy account to sell it, call a studio to showcase your work, promote it! Wanna get into the fashion industry design those shoes, find a maker/manufactures, contact a store to get behind you! The world rewards those individuals who are brave!
Now remember not everyone is going to enjoy or even like what your doing, saying or putting out there. But your not ever doing it for them, you're doing it for you and that's all that matters. Family may think you're crazy, friends might not get it, and you're partner may not understand but all that matters is if you enjoy it! Be strong in you and in your creations! So go on and put it out there, I promise you someone will absolutely love what you're doing and maybe who knows this will inspire them to show off their own light and life they'd love to live.
Be the Driver- Photography by Akim Burke @visualsbydream
Monochrome Heels by Hayla Amini @houseofhayla
Final thoughts here. We live in such an amazing world and with more people feeling disconnected its more important to put yourself out there and get us out of our comfort zones. Exposing yourself allows others to see the real you and get interested in what you're all about because we can make beautiful, real connections with people this way. Meeting those and bringing people together by building a community around what you love doesn't that sound awesome!? Go on now as my friend has challenged me, let me challenge you to get out in the world and put yourself out there!
With love n' light.
*YL Essential oil blend used for inspiration while writing- Highest Potential