Acupuncturists, Reiki Masters, Counselors, Healing Touch, RMT’s, Aromatherapists, Shiatsu, Yoga Therapists, EFT, Tapping, Floating, Pranic Breathing, Shamans, Witches, Angelic Alchemists and that’s only naming a few of the many types of healing modalities out there lately! Yet now this asks the question what kind of healer are you in need of?
Healers of all kinds are becoming more and more common as the year's progress and our search as humans to grow and focus on a well rounded well being becomes primary. With Western medicine not always having the answers, we’ve started looking outside of this system for more well rounded healing approaches.
With so many options out there it can become overwhelming of what kind of healer you’re in need of. Honestly, I’m quite experimental when it comes to healers and am always curious about everyone’s different techniques and practices! I’ve pretty much have dabbled with almost all the healers listed above! I also love recommending to my clients different kind of healers to help promote and elevate their healing journey. Though unless you’ve had your own experience with all these different techniques how can you begin to recommend what other kinds of healers to see!
I’d love to write to you all on which healer to see but when I was about to start writing which healers I suggest I realized I can’t tell you what works best because well…your not me. What works for me may not work for you. With that, this is how I’ll help you decided on what kind of healer you should try or go to.
Is there any kind of healing modality that you’ve been interested in for ages and have wanted to give a try? Yes? Awesome start there!
Have there been any healers that someone has recommended and has piqued your interest? Sweet go book an appointment!
Still, don’t know where to begin? Start anywhere! Try some of the ones I’ve suggested above or look into all the others out there, do a bit of research. The internet is such a powerful tool nowadays and you can look up all kinds of healers and what they specialize in. One will usually speak louder and feel like a good fit more than others. Take the leap!
There is no right or wrong way of choosing what kind of healer to go with. Only that you start! Be aware that when you find a healer that works for you, you’ll know the healing you receive from them will feel so aligned and will make you break the old you into a big and brighter version of yourself! If you walk away feeling lighter this is usually a clear tell sign that you’ve found the healer for you. Don’t get me wrong there are times that you will feel worse off, but it won’t be because of the practitioner or the healing service received but because of what you’re dealing with. Be mindful of this, before blaming the practitioner make sure to ask if it was practitioners skills or if it was actually your ego not wanting to change and heal? Though be warned there are cases of healers that are not in it for the right cause which is to mindful of as well.
I truly believe that there are all these different kind of healers out there because there are so many different kinds of people out there. The fact that our souls are constantly growing, changing and evolving means that one healer that you might have been seeing for years may no longer be aligned with you and you know what? That’s totally ok! Don’t worry you're not abandoning your previous healer it just might mean that you're ready for the next chapter of your healing journey. How awesome is that! I think the reason that I’ve dabbled in so many healers is that not every healing I’ve needed was the same and that I needed a different type of healing from a different practitioner because that’s what at the time I needed. Don’t be scared of trying something new because there are benefits in it all of them.
Here’s to you on your healing journey, and the best of luck in your search for your healer! If you’d like any recommendations on a specific healers don’t hesitate to send a message in the Contact page!
With Love n’ Light,