Do you ever catch yourself in a perfectionist mindset where you’re trying to make what you put out in the world perfect? If you’re a creative individual like myself, wether through your writing, painting, sculpting or any form of creating medium you work with you’ve most likely been here.
I’m not sure exactly when it happened but all of a sudden I started letting that little voice in my head get the best of me…I also let others get in my head when it came to my blogging. My grammar was bad, my sentence structures didn’t make sense, spelling was wrong, I wasn’t using the right words and on, and on, and on, it went. I was embarrassed to put anything out in fear that others would judge me and my writing/work. Until finally I just stopped posting my blogs completely. I literally have so many blog post that I’ve been wanting to share, but because I’ve been waiting for someone to edit, better yet “fix” my raw writing I haven’t posted anything.
It wasn’t until my last energy healing session with a beautiful light sister did I realize that I needed to stop listening to the voices and just put my words out there. No matter what. These voices that were keeping me small, that I had to be perfect, instead of letting my raw, unedited words out into the world. It was time. No more holding back, just me, remembering deep within myself how imperfectly perfect I am.
I’ve been writing since I was a kid, and have always loved the words that seem to flow through me onto paper or through typing. I truly wish to share more with you all, though in doing so I recognize that what I will be putting out will not always be the easiest to read. What I think is important is that I’m willing to learn how to work on being a better writer and learn as I go. I am far from perfect, we’re all far from it. With this truth I feel like I can show up authentically as myself. Mistakes and all. As it is through our mistakes that we are able to grow, and I love growing.
I love writing about spirituality, healing, growth, self care, divination tools, plant medicine, and life experiences, channelling and cannot wait for you to read what I have to write.
Looking forward to sharing with you my raw, unedited and authentic self. As I allow myself to show up errors and all I hope this allows you to do the same. Because you’re perfectly imperfect.
With love n’ light,