Are you scared of death, endings, or the world below? Now I'm not talking about just one kind of death that we're accustomed to with the burial of a body, though this one has significant importance. Endings meaning the ending of lovers relationships, friendships, plans, goals, habits, and anything else that has or had left you needing time to heal, grieve, find your appetite again, and tears that wouldn’t stop falling. These are all endings or death within our human world. Have you ever gotten a Tarot reading done by a reader and when the death card came up and start to think the absolute worse? Well, whenever I received the death card I actually get excited because whenever this card shows up in a reading it means one thing to me. Getting rid of the old to make way for the new! Without death, there is no life, without endings there are no beginnings.
Now before we go further I'd like to explain my viewpoint on endings and my comfort with being able to speak freely about endings in every which way matters. First and foremost my star sign is Scorpio. We are typically known for working with death personally. Enabling us to transform from the darkest point of our lives and building our selves up stronger than ever with lessons to share with the world. With all our findings in our darkened state, almost no other sign does this willingly and trust me my sign has not disappointed me within this life when it comes to this matter. Scorpio is also ruled by the planet Pluto which back in ancient Greek times connects to Hades. Known as the God of the Underworld. So if you don't think Scorpios know death trust me in this life I'm in a constant state of ending something in my life, constantly having to surrender to the universe’s lessons and hidden blessings.
Where I was going to go with this before I get too much into my love of the zodiacs, and my sign especially. Is that I'm here to remind you that no matter what, death is part of the natural cycle of life, needed, and ultimately unavoidable. So if your one of those people out there that are scared of dying there is something you need to start digging in too as to why? Because know what darling, until they figure out immortality for humans in the next 100 years you're stuck dying one day or another. So better start embracing it and allowing yourself to live to your fullest potential. If you’re answer to why your afraid of death is hating change then its time to realize that you don’t grow with out it. If it is seen as unfair to you then you need to work on accepting life and appreciating what has past. Yet the moment you realize what it is in yourself about endings, death, change, and anything to do with this subject and why it makes you uncomfortable is the second that you need to begin healing away this. Allowing yourself to embrace one of humans natural cycles, offers a breath of fresh air and perspective when fully embraced.
The ending of something only ever means the beginning of something else. So whether it is a past on loved one, end of a relationship, job, desired goal or dream, and you are having a hard time releasing it for fear of the transition let me be your voice of reason. The universe is constantly wanting for us to grow and evolve. You are constantly moving forward and in doing so like a snake we have to shed our old skin whether it is our old versions of self, beliefs and people who no longer nourish us to grow. Allow yourself the time to heal and grieve the old, but don’t stay stuck in it because this will become your biggest downfall. Take the lessons that you learnt through the cycle and begin to move on. Yes even if it is a passed loved one, take the quality’s of that person and find out why they came into your life, what they taught you, and what needs to be remember by them and hold it close to your heart and then choose to move forward with there memory. This can also be applied to ex’s, dreams, goals and jobs. If it is something you feel the universe has striped from you then this is a true sign that what ever object, person, goal, job no longer serves either your higher purpose or the conscious as a whole. So let it slide, breath easy knowing that as this old snake skin that once felt tight and restricted is now peeled away and allow this feeling of true freedom and ease ahead fill you.
My friends its time to stop being scared of something ending and start getting excited for the new. Books aren’t written without the next chapter nudging for the pen to touch the paper again. To all the chapters that you have closed or are presently closing, here’s to the new ones unfolding for you! Feel the shift and accept the calling.